Rules and right of way

Kiteboarding rules and right of way

First of all we have to mention 2 main rules:

Golden rule: If you are passing upwind, keep your kite HIGH.
If you are passing downwind, keep your kite LOW.

Common sense rule: Remember to use common sense when applying the rules and stay clear from other riders whenever possible!

Rule 1

The rider entering the water from the beach has right of way over the incoming rider. Why? 95% of accidents happen on the land.


Rule 2

The rider with their right hand and shoulder forwards has priority over the oncoming rider (left hand and shoulder forwards) and should keep their course. The rider with their left hand and shoulder forwards should give way and alter their course downwind. Why? To avoid a collision.

rule 2 right of way kite

Rule 3

When two riders are travelling in the same direction, the faster rider coming up from behind must give way to the slower rider in front. Why? The slower rider will find it difficult to see the rider behind them.

rule3 right of way kiteboarding

Rule 4

The rider surfing a wave has priority over the one who is jumping or going in the opposite direction. Why? When surfing a wave, it is more difficult to maneuver the kite.


Rule 5

Right of way must be given to other ocean and beach users. Kiteboarders must travel downwind of them.
Why? Regular ocean and beach users may not understand the behaviour and dangers of kiteboarding.


Rule 6

To jump, a rider must have a clear safety zone of 50m downwind and 30m upwind.
Why? When a rider jumps they travel downwind.