What a story, it’s got tropical water, beautiful girls, aeroplanes, pirates, fantastic riding and good music. Jeremie Tronet has just left his sponsors Ocean Rodeo, but to prove he’s not stopping production of his kiteboarding film online, he’s released this beauty.
Shot on location in Union Island, the story takes you on the journey of a kiteboard as it’s delivered to Jeremie. On route in a light aircraft, the pilot throws it out the window, for it to be found by pirates! The pirates use it to hold their rum, (like all pirates would) until a kid steals it and throws it overboard. Found by another kid on the beach, he sells it to a grocery story, because bindings are great for storing pineapples apparently. Long story short, a pretty girl buys it, a kiter finds it and then proceeds to thrown down some moves with it.
Great story, great location and very good editing. Check out the movie below